Can You Plug Headphones Into a Turntable
Let’s be honest, it’s hard to imagine a usual day without headphones which are plugged in a phone. Listening to music in this way is convenient and you are free to make the sound as loud as you want without disturbing others, therefore a lot of people are wondering, whether it’s also possible to connect headphones directly into a turntable.

Best Tube Headphone Amps Review
In order to create a special atmosphere when playing music files, it is better to buy the best tube headphone amp, rather than a transistor one – this is clearly not only to specialists in the field of acoustic devices but also to ordinary consumers.

Best Headphones For Hip Hop
At stores, you can find a huge amount of different headphones that make it not so easy to choose the right model. In order to help you with this quest, we have prepared for you several best headphones for hip hop. The main criteria of these models are the quality of bass and mid-range volume levels that are important for this genre of music.

Best Headphone Amplifier Under $200 Reviews
Models in this price segment, are optimal in terms of price/quality combination and are widely represented on the market. It is with such models those audiophiles who want to achieve high-quality sound from headphones need to start.

Best Budget Headphone Amplifier Reviews
Prior to starting our review, you should be aware of the fact that the best headphone amp under 100 at this price is a budget device with an initial level of sound quality. However, even such units will allow you to feel the difference in the use of headphone amp.

Best Headphone Amplifier Reviews
If you already have a good set of audiophile headphones and now want the best headphone amp, you are precisely at the right place. Make sure you are getting every bit of performance out of headphones – invest in a good headphone amplifier.

Best Headphones for Listening to Vinyl Records
Anyone who has heard music playing on vinyl players will not hide their excitement from listening. Now vinyl players are becoming popular again. And many users want to completely immerse themselves in the world of their favorite music, which is why they face the question of choosing the best headphones for vinyl. And the selection of such headphones is not an easy task because you need to consider many characteristics of both your player and headphones. And this review is aimed to help you with this task.

Best Open Back Headphones For Gaming
Those who like gaming know how important a good sound is. It is impossible to enjoy the process if the audio is not natural. In this review, I will tell you about the best open back headphones for gaming. I spent hours wearing them and it was really comfortable. My gaming experience is pretty solid, so you can be sure that the mentioned models will be suitable for your needs.

Best Headphones For Movies
If you like watching thrillers or horrors, the people living with you may not be very happy with that. The solution is getting the best headphones for movies and enjoying favourite acting at high volumes even at midnight. I know, choosing such a device can be tricky as all good models seem to be suitable for your purpose. This review includes some aspects that you might not think about.

Best Headphones for Guitar Amp
I think all musicians will agree that playing guitar with a quality amp is something truly enjoyable. However, if you cannot play music loudly because you do not want to disturb your roommates or neighbours, the best headphones for guitar amp would be a perfect solution. Such a device also will help you find out how your guitar signal would sound directly into an interface for recording. The thing is that not any pair of headphones is suitable for this purpose. You have to consider some technical features in order to get a clean sound.

Can You Listen to Vinyl With Headphones
Listening to vinyl with headphones can be even more enjoyable than using speakers. The sound quality is only one of the benefits, others will be mentioned later. First, let’s take a look at how to plug in headphones in a vinyl record player.Stereo receiver with headphones output

Best Headphones for EDM Electronic Music
Nightclubs and other places where you can dance cannot satisfy visitors without proper music. Among basic elements, such music should have four-beat rhythmic patterns with nice downbeats. They need to be well balanced and distinct. During many years, electronic dancing music or simply EDM has been developing. As you do not visit such places all the time, you need proper headphones. They need to cope with low, mid and high range frequencies. On the market, you will find plenty of models. However, to pick up the best headphones for EDM you need to understand your expectations.
In this review, you will find information about the main types of headphones and reviews of wonderful models. They are suitable for electronic dance music but for the better listening experience, it is better to focus on headphones with closed back.

Best Headphones For Playing Electronic Drums
As there are plenty of different headphones on the market, in this article we have picked up several models. They are different in specifications but they are suitable for drums in music. These sounds require special attention to low, mid and high ranges without distortions. If you are looking for the best headphones for electronic drums you also need to pay attention if their back is closed, as it entraps sounds inside and people around you will not be disturbed.

Best Headphones For Classical Music
Nowadays many manufacturers of headphones pay attention to providing more bass in music. However, not every song requires that. That is why it is difficult to find the best headphones for classical music on the market. In these reviews we have prepared for you some important information, which may help you to choose the proper model and example of headphones.

Best Headphones For Metal
Nowadays the market of headphones can offer you a large number of different headphones, which makes it more complicated to choose the best headphones for metal. To appreciate this music completely it is better to select headphones that are specifically oriented on this genre of music. Metal requires more depth and clear sounds, which are not altered by the accessory. The headphone should not increase sounding on the low, midrange and high frequencies of music. Only then, you will be able to hear the original sounds that were performed by the artists.

Best Portable Headphone Amplifier Reviews
From the name, it is not difficult to guess that the best portable headphone amp is engaged in signal amplification and allows you to get the required volume at the headphone output. Accordingly, the question arises, why, for example, portable amplifiers are needed for phones, laptops, and players if the volume from the latter is enough?

Best headphone amplifiers with DAC
Some devices combine a high-quality external DAC and headphone amplifier. The amplifying part of these devices is a logical continuation of the analog part of the DAC, and in this case, the placement of two functional blocks inside one housing is more a plus than a minus. The path is shortened since there is no need to use additional wires (inter-unit between the headphone amplifier and an external DAC).